Our Solutions

We have a wide range of commercial off-the-shelf solutions ready to be tailored to your company's needs. Our solution library allows us to rapidly develop and deploy our software and hardware for your specifications.

Kevadiya Mobility and Transportation Systems (KMTS)

To better serve those in need, the veterans, disabled, other government agencies, cities and municipalities are looking to optimize the management of fleets and third party partners in providing the right vehicle at the right location, at the right time, all the while optimizing routing for the most effective and efficient use of assets. Kevadiya has been in the forefront of transportation management thought its Mobility and Transportation Solution. Kevadiya Application Framework(KAF) and Kevadiya Mobility and Transportation Components are at the core of KMTS. Through dual mode connectivity (cellular and satellite based communication), support for leading telematics hardware devices, route planning and scheduling, resource optimization, asset tracking, rule based notification, and highly scaleable and available infrastructure, KMTS is helping building of optimal transportation management solution. Kevadiya’s reporting and analytics has further helped organizations optimize their services to new client satisfaction levels.


Whether your requirement is for education, skills training and assessments, or for updating knowledge in the work place, Kevadiya’s eLearning technology suite can provide the content in a user friendly and non-obtrusive format. The system captures and processes mixed media input signals of the instructor's performance to maximize efficiency of storage in computer memory for review and re-composition purposes. Also, as teachers and instructors write on a tablet computer or touch screen input device a digital representation of the stroke or movements is created. Any of the teachers support materials (e.g., slide presentations, spreadsheets, modeling applications and the like) directly from their computer is also automatically recorded and is subsequently embedded for playback with perfect fidelity and time-synchronized with the lesson audio and video tracks.

The viewing system takes the greatest advantage of the captured performance information and allows the greatest student control and interactivity with playback. The viewing subsystem enables students to pace themselves through reviewing the lecture and, when available, to personally manipulate either the live blackboard, a slide show, or Internet links, among other options, while proceeding at their own pace and for their own desired number of repetitions thus maximizing the learning experience.

Logistic Asset and MRO Management

Logic used strictly in the singular, is a science that deals with the formal principles of reason. Logistics, which involves such concerns as the delivery of personnel or supplies in an efficient manner, can often employ logic, such as by reasoning out the path least likely to interrupt the flow of a delivery. Kevadiya employs the principles of logic within its Logistics, Asset and MRO solutions. Leveraging components from the KAF transportation suite, along with telematics capable of monitoring performance and diagnostics data, the Kevadiya solution optimizes routing.

Our Location

2001 Centerpoint Pkwy #103 Pontiac, MI 48341

(248) 387-2843


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